1. What
is Kernel-Level Threads?
2. What
is a kernel space and user space?
3. What
is SELinux?
4. What
is kernel updation?
5. What
is shared memory?
6. What
is the use of shared memory?
7. Can
you access a C library function from kernel space?
8. Explain
difference between modular & monolithic kernel.
9. Explain
kernel compilation steps.
10. Explain
semaphore settings.
11. How
Does Linux Kernel Versioning Work?
12. Explain
booting process of Linux.
13. What
is the difference between soft & hard links?
14. Which
file stores kernel configuration details?
15. How
to check the currently configured kernel parameters on a Linux server?
16. Can
you access a kernel function from user space? Justify.
17. How
the device drivers are broadly classified?
18. How
do you register a character device in the kernel?
19. How
are character, block, network devices identified in the kernel?
20. Does
Linux Support USB Devices?
21. What
is a system call?
22. What
is User Label Thread?
23. How
do you register an interrupt handler for any device from with in your
24. What
is a proc file system?
25. What
is the difference between sysfs filesystem and procfs file system?
26. Have
you heard of the term VFS? What is its purpose in the kernel?
27. What
are the major differences between 2.4 kernel and 2.6 kernel?
28. Describe
the basic structure of any kernel module.
29. How
do you insert and remove a kernel module? Explain the flow?
30. What
are wait queues? How are they used?
31. How
many wait queues does the kernel have?
32. How
many run queues does the kernel have?
33. Did
you hear about a term called jiffies? What is its significance in the kernel?
34. How
would you set up a function in the kernel to be invoked periodically every one
35. How
would you achieve synchronization in the kernel?
36. What
are the various locking mechanisms in the kernel?
37. When
would you use a spin lock and when would you use a semaphore?
38. What
are bottom halves? List out the available variants of it and explain the usage
scenario of each.
39. What
would you do to register an interrupt line shared by two or more devices? How
does the kernel handle this scenario?
40. What
is a process context and what is an interrupt context?
41. When
does the scheduler get invoked?
42. What
is preemption? Why is 2.6 kernel called fully preemptive?
43. What
are the available scheduling algorithms in kernel?
44. Why
2.6 kernel scheduler called an O1 scheduler?
45. Can
you access any kernel function from the interrupt handler?
46. Will
there be any network device file in your root file system’s /dev directory?
47. How
is a network device accessed from the user space?
48. What
is the kernel timer tick rate? Can this be altered? If so how? What is the
effect of altering this?
49. What
is a kernel Oops? When does it occur?
50. What
is a kernel panic? When does it occur?
51. What
is a kernel thread? How would you create it from a kernel module?
52. How would you invoke a user space program from
within the kernel space?
53. How
does the kernel handle the delivery of signals to processes? When are the signals
54. What
makes an OS an RTOS?
55. What
is a PCB (process control block)? What is its significance in the kernel?
56. How
do you access the PCB of the current process?
57. What
is a ram disk? How would you set up your
kernel to use this?
58. Can
you briefly explain the kernel boot up sequence?
59. What
happens if kernel is unable to mount any root file system?
60. What
is the first user space process to be executed after kernel boot up?
61. How
do you allocate memory in a kernel?
62. What
is the difference between physical address, kernel virtual address, and user
virtual address?
63. How
do you debug a kernel module?
64. How
do you setup KGDB for kernel module source level debugging?
65. Is
there any memory level debugging tool for kernel? How did you use it?
66. What
is trace tool and gstreamer in Linux?
67. What
are semaphores? Differentiate mutex, binary semaphores and counting semaphores?
68. Explain
Round robin scheduling and its disadvantage? Quantum time in round-robin
scheduling algorithm?
69. Explain
SJF algorithm?
70. IS
Linux is RTOS or not?
71. Booting
process of Linux kernel in target.
72. Explain
paging in Linux? What is memory protection in Linux?
73. Explain
Linux hash tables for c.
74. Explain
Top Halfs & Bottom Halfs in Linux
75. What
text filter can you use to display a binary file in octal numbers?
76. Which
commands are used to set a processor-intensive job to use less CPU time?
77. Brief
about the initial process sequence while the system boots up.
78. What
is the linux distribution version, you have developed driver module and what is
the current version of that distribution.
79. Drawn
figure of three systems A,B,C are connected in network and IP addresses are shown. Check the ip configurations are
80. If
three ethernet cards are present in the system, how will you configure, every
boot, each ethernet cards to get the same ip address.
81. What
is Virtual file system?
82. What
is AT command and tell some commands?
83. Write
the flow of system calls in socket for tcp and udp.
84. Which
call will block in tcp socket flow?
85. Explain
steps of compiling linux kernel and booting.
86. What
are the flavors of tcp/ip?
87. Explain
the Virtual Memory, Paging and Swapping concepts in Linux.
88. What
are the different IPCs in Linux.
89. Explain
socket programming in Linux.
90. How two processes
will communicate with each other? IPC concepts what are IPC APIs in Linux?
91. Explain paging in
Linux? What is memory protection in Linux?
What are the differences between the OS (LINUX,
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