OS & RTOS Interview Questions

1. What is priority inversion? 2. Preemptive scheduler types.
3. How to write Interrupt service routine? Can semaphore be released in ISR?
4. What is semaphore? What are its types?
5. Difference between semaphore and mutex.
6. Difference between monolithic kernel and micro kernel with exapmle.
7. If there is one process and 4 threads. How many stacks, heaps, and datasegments do u require? And why?
8. What are the important members of TCB structure?
9. Explain about task control block and process control block?
10. Explain about the critical section. Have you come across in any of your project, if so explain with a small program.
11. What is Interrupt Latency 
12. Difference btwn Wince5.0 and 6.0 Memory model.
13. How memory is allocated? (virtual memory, paging etc). What is maximum size of virtual memory can be allocated for a system?
14. Message QUE and Shared Memory. Which is Fast
15. What is Message passing?
16. How to avoid resource contention in RTOS using semaphore and Mutex, without raising task priority
17. Which is more efficient in RTOS mutex, semaphore?
18. When you will decide to create a process in an application?
19. Differentiate between process and thread?
20. Whatis RTOS? Differentiate between OS and RTOS? 
21. What is preemptive and non preemptive scheduling?
22. How do you implement mutex? POSIX APIs
23. How to do avoid thread switching while locking mutex in your C code implementation?
24. What is the difference between spinlock and mutex?
25. What is spinlock?
26. Which RTOS is your favorite?
27. What is the difference between physical address and virtual address?
28.What type of scheduling algorithms that we use in RTOS?

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